greyhound being held by woman

Dogs’ Homes accredited to adopt out muzzle free greyhounds!

Meet Ryland!  He will be the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania first official assessed greyhound to go up for adoption.

Greyhounds will become available from our Homes in Devonport, Burnie, Launceston and Hobart. 

The Office of Racing Integrity has accredited The Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania to assess greyhounds to meet the unmuzzling requirements under Dog Control Act 2000.

Our greyhounds will be wearing orange collars with our familiar logo.  This will show their muzzle free exemption status.

Dogs must wear the collar when walking out in public without a muzzle.  Each collar is individually numbered.  Ryland is No.001!

People interested in adopting greyhounds should watch our social media for photos of these beautiful dogs as they become available. 

These greyhounds will be able to be off-lead in greyhound specific Council approved areas. Please check your Council’s website for details.

People wanting to rehome greyhounds through the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania must follow  the directions of the Office of Racing Integrity.

Intake of greyhounds will be reliant on the availability of suitable foster carers and kennels.  Owners can contact the nearest Home for more information about space.

Further down the track, the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania is planning to offer assessments for greyhounds already out in the community or being rehomed through other avenues.  Please watch our social media for updates.

The Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania is thrilled to be able to offer more greyhounds the chance to find their forever home.  As always, we are here for the dogs.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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