Surrendering your dog

Surrendering your dog
We understand that surrendering your dog is a difficult decision, and sometimes circumstances leave you with no other choice. At Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania, we’re here to help, not to judge. Our goal is to ensure your dog has the best possible outcome.

While there is no fee to surrender your dog, we greatly appreciate any donation you’re able to offer. We are a private charity that relies on the charity of the community to fund much of our services.

Making an appointment
If you need to surrender your dog to one of our four Homes, please contact us first to discuss the situation. You can either call your nearest Dog’s Home or send us a message by clicking here. We request that you make an appointment so we can ensure we have space available to take in your dog. There may be times when we ask you to wait a day or two, but we will do our best to accommodate your dog as quickly as possible.

Our policy
We are committed to accepting any dog in need. We do not turn any dog away that needs our help. However, if your dog has a serious, incurable medical condition or cannot be safely handled or rehomed due to aggression, it may be kinder to consult your vet about humane euthanasia. This way, your dog can be surrounded by familiar faces in their final moments. We’re here to discuss this option with you if needed.

Only the legal owner of a dog can surrender it to us. The legal owner is:

  • The person in whose name the dog is registered; or
  • If the dog is unregistered, the person who ordinarily cares for the dog; or
  • For a child’s pet, the child’s parent or guardian.

If you are not the legal owner, you must bring a signed letter from the legal owner authorising you to surrender the dog on their behalf. This letter should include the owner’s contact details.

At your appointment
When you arrive at the Home, we will take your dog to our kennels straight away, allowing you to focus on providing us with all the necessary information to help your dog find a new home. Please bring your dog’s vaccination records and medical history with you.

The more information you can provide about your dog, the better we can match them with a suitable new home. Please download our surrender form from the link below, fill it out, and bring it to your appointment. This form covers your dog’s personality, likes and dislikes, medical history, and behaviour. The more details you share, the easier it will be for us to find the perfect home for your dog.

After surrender
You have a 24-hour ‘cooling off period’ after surrendering your dog to Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania. If you change your mind, you can return within this period to reclaim your dog.

After the 24-hour cooling-off period, your dog becomes the property of Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania. We understand this can be difficult, but please refrain from calling or messaging us to ask how your dog is doing. It’s in the best interest of your dog and any future owners that contact does not continue.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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