Lend your voice to Greyhounds

Our values

At Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania we believe that the bond between dogs and humans  is very special. 

Dogs do so much for society, supporting us through troubled times, assisting people with disabilities, and providing constant, loving companionship to so many individuals and families.    

The bond we share with dogs is at the heart of our values at Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania. With the generous support of  Tasmanian dog lovers, we work to ensure that: 

  • Every dog has a safe and caring home
  • All dogs live their life free of unnecessary suffering; and 
  • No healthy, re-homable dog is ever put to sleep simply because they are unwanted.  

What's the problem with Greyhound racing?

Like all dogs, Greyhounds are curious and playful. They love to explore the world, to play, to dig, to sniff and they love to be with humans.

Racing greyhounds miss out on enrichment.

Sadly, many racing greyhounds experience long days of confinement with little environmental enrichment. We have seen Greyhounds with worn teeth from biting pen bars in frustration and bald patches from lying in concrete pens for long periods without bedding. We have seen dogs that don’t know how to climb a simple set of steps or get in or out of a vehicle. This is because these dogs have spent years of their lives confined. They are either in pens or on the track, with little opportunity to explore the wider world.

That’s no life for a dog.

Rescue Greyhound
Overbreeding and ‘wastage’.

The pressure to find the fastest greyhounds to race leads to many dogs being bred so the very fastest can be selected for racing. Greyhounds that aren’t fast enough or fit enough are ‘wastage’. Some retired Greyhounds find pet homes, and we are one of several organisations that work to rehome them. But more dogs are bred to race than can ever find pet homes.

Retired dogs face long waits before rehoming programs can take them, and large numbers of Greyhounds retiring from racing are simply euthanised. In Tasmania from 2016-17 to 2020-21 more 774 greyhounds (34% of all dogs ‘retiring’ from racing) were euthanised.

That’s no way to retire.

A dangerous sport.

Greyhounds love to run, but greyhound racing is a dangerous activity. In 2021, 181 Greyhounds were killed and 10,195 dogs were injured racing on Australian tracks.

No dog should die for sport.

Because of these concerns and more, Greyhound racing is now banned in all but seven countries of the world. More than 40 States in the US have banned Greyhound racing and there are currently only three active greyhound tracks in that country.

What needs to change?

Our long term goal is for Greyhound racing to end, as it has in so many countries around the world. We want to see every Greyhound to live their best life in a loving home.

But in the meantime there are three important steps that will improve the lives of racing Greyhounds:

Greyhound ready for adoption

End public funding of Greyhound racing

Tasmania is the only State in Australia which guarantees annual funding for the racing industry. Funding is guaranteed until 2029 and without it, Greyhound racing would be unsustainable.
We believe that now is the time to start planning to withdraw funding.

Greyhound in foster care

Lifelong tracing of dogs in the industry

Currently the number of Greyhounds born and the number dying, euthanised or rehomed each year is self-reported by trainers with no independent checks.  
We need strong, transparent monitoring so that every dog  born in the industry is accounted for from birth until the end of their racing career.

greyhound walking with foster carer

Stronger checks on Greyhound welfare

The racing industry is responsible for welfare checks on Greyhounds, and while the RSPCA has authority to investigate complaints in the industry, currently most investigations are conducted by the Office of Racing Integrity. The RSPCA has the expertise in this area, and is independent of the industry. We would like to see them funded to undertake this work.

How can you help?

Contact your local MP

The petition to end public funding of Greyhound racing had the largest number of signatures of any e-Petition in this State, but unfortunately there has been no response from Government. One action you can take is to personally contact your local Members of Parliament.
Let them know that you care about every dog - including racing Greyhounds - and ask them to speak up for dogs.

Foster a Greyhound

Foster care is an essential part of every Greyhound's transition to life as a family dog. Contact us if you're interested in fostering a Greyhound to help them prepare for a new life after racing.

Who else is speaking up for Greyhounds?

Many Tasmanians and organisations are raising their voice for Greyhounds. Click on the images below to learn more about some of them . 


RSPCA Tasmania is advocating for better welfare standards for Greyhounds and for their inspectorate to be given a stronger role in greyhound welfare.

Greyhound Protection Logo

A National Group with a strong Tasmanian presence. Click on the image for up to date statistics and information on the state campaigns to end Greyhound racing.

Let Greyhounds run free logo

A Tasmanian Facebook community where you can read Greyhound news, including updates on the campaign to end public funding of Greyhound racing.

Greyhound Rehabilitation Enthusiasts Association Tasmania Logo

Greyhound Rehabilitation Enthusiasts Association of Tasmania is a Facebook Group for Greyhound adopters.

Companion Animal Network Australia Logo

The Companion Animal Network of Australia advocates for an end to greyhound racing in Australia. While greyhound racing continues, they support stronger welfare measures for racing Greyhounds.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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