The Tasmanian Canine Defence League Inc. (TCDL), operating as Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania is a not-for-profit organisation that has been working for dog welfare in Tasmania since 1950.  

By becoming a member of the TCDL, you can play an active role in helping us with our vital work. New membership applications require final approval by the TCDL Board.   

Every individual Member, when financial, is entitled, upon request, to receive written notice of Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings; to nominate Directors; to vote at the annual election of Directors at any General Meeting; and to receive an Annual Report. A member may raise any matter with the Board that the Member sees fit to raise, in accordance with procedure.  Further information (Board Members and current TCDL Constitution) is available on this web site.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

Which home would you like to visit?

Select which home you would like to visit, you will then be asked to book a time to visit.