Lost your dog?

If your dog is missing, please fill out our online Lost Dog Report. 

You can also telephone your closest Dogs’ Home and leave all the details about your dog with the receptionist. The phones can be very busy so please keep trying. If you leave a message staff will call you back as soon as possible.

Act fast 

If your dog is missing, don’t assume they’ll come home when they are ready. Lost dogs are often very frightened and can travel a long way. 

  • walk and drive around the neighbourhood, checking the places you walk regularly.
  • Contact your neighbours and ask if they have seen anything. 
  • Use social media – send a message with details about your missing dog to the Tassie Lost Pets facebook page, and post in local community pages and your local dog park or dog walker’s facebook page. 
  • Contact your local council, local vets and any other animal shelters in your area.

Be sure your dog’s microchip details are up to date

If your dog is microchipped and they find their way to a vet, Council Pound or animal shelter the staff will check the microchip and contact you.  If your details are not up to date, they will be unable to reach you. 

If you are not sure if your contact details are up to date, contact your microchip register and update the details immediately.  

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

Which home would you like to visit?

Select which home you would like to visit, you will then be asked to book a time to visit.