Devonport Dogs

Dogs at our Devonport Home

The dogs below are waiting for adoption from our Devonport Home. If you’re interested in adopting one of these dogs, please make an appointment to visit our Devonport Home using the link below.

Dogs are adopted throughout the day, and while we update Facebook and the Web page as soon as possible after adoption, we cannot guarantee that any particular dog will still be available when you visit.

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🔊 Missy is having some time in foster care. We'll let you know when she is back at our Devonport Home 🐾

We would like to reassure you that Missy does have back legs, we just couldn’t quite get a picture of them. But we have the cutest excuse:

“Missy loves to be close to you, therefore the difficulty in getting photos as she wants to be attached to your leg,” staff say.

She’s a Greyhound who weighs 26kg and will be 10 years old on New Year’s Day. We’re told she knows wait and okay, but that’s it — she’s not toilet trained. She will need a family with the time and patience to devote to training.

“Missy is a sweet-natured Greyhound,” staff continue. “She’s quite playful and bouncy when she comes out of her pen for an older girl.”

She lived with another dog (“they loved each other” her info states) and a cat she was friendly with in her previous home, but she has chased unfamiliar cats in the past.

🐾 Velcro doggo
🐾 Sweet nature
🐾 Needs training
🐾 Bouncy girl

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption
We just had one Lucky adopted from Hobart and another one appears. Lucky us! This one is yet another dog trying to masquerade as a Tassie tiger.

He’s a Staffy x who weighs 28kg and will be one year old in January. We’re told he is toilet trained and knows sit, stay, wait, “home”, “follow” and comes when called. Impressive!

“Lucky is a friendly boy who loves attention,” staff say. 

"He is a very active dog with a good personality,” his surrender information says. “He’s outgoing and quite inquisitive.” He enjoys going for runs and swims — he’d be a triathlon champ if only he could ride a bike. He also likes a solid spot of playing fetch.

Lucky lived with two other dogs in his previous life, so he might like a canine friend to help him settle into his new home.

🐾 Lucky young lad
🐾 Friendly nature
🐾 Loves attention
🐾 Active fellow

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption
Behold Buddy in all his brindle bountifulness. He’s a gorgeous guy as all Greyhounds are. 

He will turn seven years old in April and weighs 31kg. “Buddy is a sweet boy who enjoys his walks,” staff say. “He was previously living outside (we don’t think he’s toilet trained) but he would love to learn the ropes as an inside couch potato!” His surrender info doesn’t state whether he’s had any obedience training.

Buddy lived with a teenage child in his previous home and also interacted with little kids. He previously lived with an elderly greyhound who he was a bit too much for, but he may be suited to a canine companion with similar play styles and energy levels. He’s not suitable for a home with little dogs and small companion animals like cats and rabbits.

🐾 Gorgeous guy
🐾 May need training
🐾 Sweet nature
🐾 Loves his walks

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption
True story: Dogs Homes’ AmbassaDog Charles “Pete” Conrad Jnr has had a rough trot in life and is a widdle bit damaged. So his slave, your friendly adoptions reporter, gives him cuddles and sings him the Skye Boat Song when he’s feeling overwhelmed.

Skye is not "the boy who was born to be king" as the song states, since she’s a girl. She’s a Bull Arab x who weighs 44kg and is about six years old. We’re told she is toilet trained, comes when called, and knows sit, stay and drop.

“Skye is a quiet, reserved girl,” staff say. “She previously lived with another dog and they were best friends who played together, walked together and slept together.” Awww.

Skye is on a diet to lose a little bit of extra weight. Her surrender info says she would do best in a home with older teenagers “who she can sit and talk to and get cuddles from”. Double awww.

🐾 Quiet nature
🐾 Some training
🐾 Watching weight
🐾 Loves cuddles

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption
Staff are so taken with Huckle, his information came with many exclamation marks. See more of him in the comments.

He’s a Kelpie who weighs 19kg and will be one year old in July. He’s been an outside dog so he probably needs toilet training. We’re told he comes when called. “Huckle is very affectionate and loves people,” his surrender info says.

“Huckle does a beautiful sit and has the cutest ears that are too big for his head!” staff say. “He is an absolute sweetheart. While he can be a little nervous at first, he is the most cuddly boy ever! He will need some work to build some confidence. He also needs lead training. He may like a doggie friend but can be a little nervous when first meeting them too, so a calmer dog might be good to show him the ropes.”

🐾 Do the Huckle!
🐾 Sweet-hearted boy
🐾 Cuddle monster
🐾 Needs training

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption
Nitro’s ears are incredibly impressive and his shining coat is simply stunning. See more of him, including video, in the comments.

He’s a Kelpie who was born in June last year and weighs 20kg. He hasn’t had much in the way of training and isn’t toilet trained. Thankfully, he has youth and smarts on his side.

“Nitro is an energetic boy who started off a little nervous but has come out of his shell and is full of beans,” staff say. “He will need some training to help him learn the basics and improve his manners. He will also need some socialisation to gain more confidence in the world and to learn polite interactions.”

As a working dog breed, he will need plenty of exercise for his agile body, and mental stimulation for his agile mind. A beginner obedience course would be ideal to help set him on a solid path of learning, and learning how to socialise with other dogs and people too.

🐾 Lifetime of love …
🐾 And responsibility
🐾 Needs training …
🐾 And socialisation

Every dog is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, treated for fleas and worms, and has had a standard health check. Each dog has also been behaviourally assessed.

To visit the dogs at our Devonport Home, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment. Appointments allow us to regulate the number of people in the adoption area, minimising stress for the dogs. Kindly be aware that as dogs are adopted throughout the day, we cannot guarantee the presence of a specific dog during your visit. Additionally, it is mandatory for all family members, including other dogs, to participate in a meet and greet with the dog prior to adoption. If you plan to adopt on the day of your visit, please bring everyone along and mention it in your booking.

#RescueDogs #DogsHomesofTasmania #DogShelter #ShelterDogs #Rescue #AdoptDontShop #Hobart #Tasmania #DogsofInstagram #InstaDog  #AdoptaDog #animalwelfare #DogsofTasmania #Dogs #Puppies #DogAdoption

The above dogs are available for general public visits. Click here to view dogs in foster care, available by expression of interest (state-wide). Expression of interest dogs are only available to meet by application. 

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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