Harry the Kelpie was found tied to a tree at Blessington. Undernourished and with some mange on his back, 12 month old Harry was brought to us via RSPCA Tasmania.
No one came forward to claim him, and after a little tlc, expert vet care, good quality food and a whole pile of loving from devoted staff and volunteers at our Devonport Home, Harry was ready to find his very own forever human.
His new human, Quade, has updated us on Harry’s life after adoption and we couldn’t be happier for them. He says Harry is a happy and curious soul, always leading with his nose. He’s his Dad’s little brown shadow, and they have a busy life together. Whether they are at work, camping or at home Harry watches Quade’s every move and is always hot on his heels to see what they’re doing next. But while he’s an active, energetic dog who loves to do stuff, Harry is also a dog who enjoys his sleep – wherever they are, Harry will keep an eye out for the warmest, most comfortable place to catch a quick nap, being a human’s constant shadow can be tiring!
Harry and Quade are best mates, and Harry has learned that humans can be really useful when you need a someone to cuddle up to, or a nice backrub or a good scratch. Harry can be a chatty boy and loves to tell you just how “gooooooooooood” a nice backrub feels, something that never fails to make Quade laugh.
We’re so pleased that this beautiful boy has found a great life with a loving human – something that we think that every dog deserves.