Gus being interviewed by Pete

Pete asks Dogs’ Home alumna Gus
‘where are you now?’

AmbassaDog and roving rePAWter Charles “Pete” Conrad Jnr is back with one of his “Where Are They Now?” profiles on former Dogs’ Homes guests. He’s talking to Gus, a very photogenic little guy who was adopted from our Hobart Home. He has become the apple of his adoptive mum’s eye and enjoys life with two human brothers. And if a few of his habits do fall into the “less than savoury” category, he’s as blissfully ignorant about them as he is of the definition of disconcerting and potentially panic-inducing sleeping areas.

Pete: How long have you been with your humans?

Gus: Four years.

Pete: What has life together been like?

Gus: Bliss – belly rubs, snoozing on the bed, runs on the beach, and Mummy makes me special food.

Pete: Do you have any animal companions? Do you like them?

Gus: There’s a rabbit, Fluffy, who lives in the laundry. She’s really scary.

Pete: I have no idea what a rabbit is, and I don’t think I want to know. Are there special things you do with your humans?

Gus: Anything I can do with my humans is special but cuddling up to Mummy is the best.

Pete: What are your favourite things to do?

Gus: I like chasing the ball at the beach – keepings off is so much fun! And daycare at Kip, playing with my teddies, eating chicken and cheese, and humping my pillow.

Gus on the sewing machine table
Gus may or may not be allowed on the sewing machine table
Gus with ball
Gus gives us a grin as he ponders another game of keepings off
Gus in the water
Fun times at the beach are even more fun with short little legs

Pete: I used to try to hump my big sister, but my slave told me no. How rude. What are your dislikes?

Gus: Loud noises, men, the iron/ironing board, the vacuum cleaner.

Pete:  What are your happiest memories with your humans?

Gus: The day I came home with Mummy and met my (human) brothers.

Pete: My human is very odd. Is there something odd that you have discovered about your humans?

Gus: I think it’s odd that Mummy doesn’t like it when I lick her face. I’m only trying to show her love … but she says it’s gross because I eat my own poo.

Pete: YOUR OWN POO?!? I’ve never thought of that. What a concept. My slave also says I’m very odd. Of course, she is wrong. What do your humans think is odd about you?

Gus: Mummy says I think I’m a cat. I don’t even know what that is. I thought all dogs sat on windowsills, the back of the couch or any other small surfaces. You should try it – it freaks Mummy out which is very funny …

Pete: Thanks for the recommendation! One thing my human does that I like is reassure me that she loves me and everything is okay. How has being in love and loved made a difference in your life? Why do they keep forcing me to ask this stupid question?

Gus: I was lost, scared and lonely when the nice people at the Dogs’ Home found me. Two other families met me but then they left. Then Mummy came and I was so, so happy. I love that she says I make her happy too.

Gus looking out the window
The endless wait for his human brothers to get home from school
Gus looking cute
Who could possibly resist those appealing puppy-dog eyes?
Gus sleeping
Time to conk out in his highly stylish favourite chair
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