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Help Feed Tasmania’s Dogs in Need

1 July — Our campaign might be wrapped up, but we’re still counting kibble for about a week! If you missed your opportunity to get your donation in, there’s still time.

Your donation can still make a big difference as we finalise everything – every bit helps Tasmania’s lost, abandoned and unwanted dogs. 🐾

We recently received the heartbreaking news that our dog food sponsorship has ended.

This sponsorship has been a lifeline for us, covering almost all our feeding costs for the last 20 years and will have a huge impact on our already increasing operational expenses.

Many of our dogs are on specialised diets to assist them with health, injury and age-related issues. Funding the food that our dogs desperately need could add an extra $150,000 each year on top of already rising costs. This is however, an estimate, and it could well be higher as dog numbers and medical needs fluctuate. Any extra funds donated will help ensure we cover these costs fully and continue to care for all our dogs.

The adoption fee of each dog doesn’t come close to covering the actual cost of operating, desexing, vaccinating, microchipping and providing a specialised diet to each dog.

Now that we no longer have a food sponsor, we are concerned about this new unaccounted-for cost. Will you help us?

We Need to Fund Our Dogs’ Special Diets

For the health and well-being of our dogs, many of them are on specialised diets and therefore require different types of dog food. Shelter dogs need these specialised diets tailored to their unique needs as they often experience heightened stress and are recovering from injuries, surgeries or trauma.

That’s why we are asking for donations, so we can buy the right type of food to look after our dogs.

One day we may need nutrient-rich food for young pups, the next week we may need a special high-protein diet for our canine senior citizens. Every dollar counts.

We need your financial support to be able to cater to every dog’s needs.

All donations of $2 and above are tax deductible.

If you are looking for alternative donation options such as bank transfer, PayPal, or cheque, please click here to find other ways to donate.

Dog eating food
28 June
28 June
28 June
28 June
28 June
28 June
27 June
27 June
27 June
27 June
27 June

What Our Dogs Eat Is Crucial for Their Recovery

For our dogs, one size does not fit all. If we didn’t provide the appropriate nutrition and support to dogs like Twirl, she would likely not have survived.

Not long after being born at the Hobart Dogs’ Home, Twirl’s growing slowed and she started losing weight. Her gums became pale and she developed anaemia. She needed help.

Our amazing vet team advised a specialised diet and rest in foster care. After a few months of treatment and eating the right food, Twirl thrived. Today she is well loved in a family home, enjoying the life she may not have otherwise had the opportunity to live.

DONATE to help every dog in our care receive the specialised nutrition they need to recover and thrive.

Meet Some of Our Dogs!

Hover over their pictures to find out why a specialised diet was so important for them.

These dogs had very different dietary needs while in our care. From nursing mums to frail pups, allergy sufferers to the elderly, every one of them recovered and thrived with the right foods and supplements to help them bounce back.

Tap their pictures to find out why a specialised diet was so important for them.

These dogs had very different dietary needs while in our care. From nursing mums to frail pups, allergy sufferers to the elderly, every one of them recovered and thrived with the right foods and supplements to help them bounce back.

Why We Are Not Asking for More Food Donations

While we deeply appreciate the public’s generosity in donating dog food and will continue to use what is provided, cash donations are urgently needed to cover this cost.

• Many dogs require specialised diets tailored to their needs, which vary widely.
Managing stock levels and avoiding wastage due to expiry dates is crucial.
Consistency in diet is essential for the well-being of our dogs, avoiding upset stomachs. Malnourished and stressed dogs already experience gut issues.
• Donated food may not meet the specific nutritional needs of many dogs in our care.
• Limited resources mean we are unable to transport donated food between our locations.
• Very limited storage space at our Homes means we have to keep supply low and order frequently. Any overflow piles up, blocking corridors.

We do understand however that this may be the only way that you wish to support the dogs. If you would still like to donate food, please kindly click here to find out the brands that most Homes are using. Thank you for your support.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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