Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania Foster Carer Agreement Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand that when I care for a Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania foster dog in my home, I am doing so strictly as a volunteer and in the spirit of volunteerism.
  • I understand that I am 100% responsible for the actions of the foster dog whilst it is in my care particularly when in the vicinity of other people, dogs and other animals and will strictly observe any guidance provided in this regard in the Foster Care Sign Out Form.
  • I agree to house the foster dog in an approved, safe, fully enclosed area at all times which prevents the animal from escaping or any other animal obtaining access to them and I will advise the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania as soon as possible if the foster dog escapes.
  • I agree to abide by the Dog Control Act 2000 as well as any Dog Management Policy adopted by the relevant council.
  • I agree to use positive reinforcement only on any dog that I foster from the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania. The use of any other training methods will result in my application being removed.
  • I agree to provide my foster dog with a loving environment and foster the skills they will need to become a part of their new adoptive family.
  • I understand that the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania is not responsible for any damage caused by the foster dog in my home.
  • I understand that Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania participates in the G2Z euthanasia initiative however there are instances where a foster dog may no longer be considered to be healthy or treatable and may be euthanised after consideration from the veterinary and/or behaviour team.
  • I agree to never let a foster dog off leash outside of my home boundary under any circumstances.
  • I agree that I will not walk the foster dog in any enclosed off-lead dog parks/areas.
  • I agree to ensure the foster dog wears a collar with a Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania identification tag attached at all times.
  • I agree that I will never leave the foster dog unattended with children under the age of 14 years.
  • I agree that I will be responsible for the safe transportation of the foster dog. This includes collection and return of the foster dog as well as veterinary check-ups and adoption events.
  • I agree to contact the Dogs’ Home Foster Care Coordinator or Behaviour Trainer immediately if there are any health or behavioural changes in the foster dog.
  • I agree that I will report any incidents to the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania, no matter how minor that may impact the foster dog’s adoptability, including where training may be required.
  • I agree to follow the prescribed Veterinary medication charts and schedules set down by the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania.
  • If the foster dog becomes sick or injured while in my care, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact the Vet Nurse or Foster Care Coordinator for diagnosis and treatment. I will not take the animal to my own veterinarian unless in the case of emergency and with prior approval.
  • I understand that all of the items provided to me by the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania to care for the foster dog will always remain the property of the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania and must be returned if requested.
  • I understand that the foster dog remains the property of the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania even whilst in is my care and I must return the foster dog to the Dogs’ Homes site when requested to do so.
  • I agree that I will not place a foster dog in the care of another person for any reason unless with prior agreement from the Foster Care Coordinator.
  • I hereby indemnify the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania against any claim, liability, complaint or demand made in respect of any foster dog I may care for.
  • I certify that the information I have given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and I realise any misrepresentation of facts may result in my losing the privilege of fostering dogs. I understand that the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania has the right to deny my request to foster dogs in any situation that would be contrary to the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania policies, or any other legal requirement or when not in the best interest of the dog.
  • I understand that my application will be assessed based on this information and any subsequent information requested to validate the application.

I have read and understood the content of this Foster Care Agreement and agree to abide by its terms and conditions as a Foster Carer.

By completing my online Foster Care application and acknowledging that I have read and understood these terms and conditions on my application, I agree to abide by these Foster Care Agreement Terms and Conditions.

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

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Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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