Marvellous Margaret jingles all the way

Margaret has supported the Dogs’ Homes for many years by putting her talent for jingle writing – and herself – out there in the public eye. This year, she was on song again.

Margaret, who is 86 and proves age is no barrier to fun, writes an annual Dogs’ Homes jingle and distributes it at Nutgrove Dog Beach in Hobart, asking for donations in return.

Margaret says she was born “dog-minded” and always had dogs in her life. Each one now holds a special place in her heart. Along with her love for dogs, Margaret also has a love of words.

About 30 years ago, Margaret discovered she had a particular flare for writing jingles. People seemed to enjoy her work and would often ask her to write them a jingle for different milestones and celebrations.

Margaret Eldridge and Gabby
Margaret and Gabby (adopted from the Dogs' Homes) together at home.

Margaret generously decided to put her talent to use by fundraising for the Dogs’ Homes. She tells us she has only ever had about half a dozen people say no to her! As a result, she has raised thousands of dollars for the Homes annually. This year Margaret was lucky enough to raise $4,000 (noting $2,000 was donated by two generous supporters).

We’re so grateful for the efforts of people like Margaret, doing “grassroots” fundraising that takes time, hard work and dedication. Not all heroes wear capes.

Margaret reading a jingle at Nutgrove Beach many years ago
Margaret reading a jingle at Nutgrove Beach many years ago.
Late Minky
Minky who Margaret sadly lost early last year.
Margaret as a child, playing with a dog
"Dog-minded" Margaret as a child in England with her very first dog.

Dogs’ Homes Christmas Jingle 2023

That time of year has come again,
Christmas time for sure,
Time to raise much-needed funds
As we have done before.

We raised two thousand last year;
A record for our beach.
So this year let’s increase that sum;
Let’s see what we can reach.

Our doggie friends at Nutgrove
Are loved and treated well,
But some dogs at the Dogs’ Homes
Have torrid tales to tell.

Abandoned and neglected
They really need our help.
Some of them are females
And that is where they’ll whelp.

Many breeds are rescued
And on our beach there’s lots
Who started at the Dogs’ Homes
When they were tiny tots.

We’ve lovely dogs on Nutgrove;
Breeds galore you’ll find,
Weimaraners and bulldogs
And others come to mind.

There’s many kinds of “oodles”
And several types of hounds,
King Charles and other spaniels;
Mini shnauzers, there are mounds!

Terriers come in all sorts,
Even Irish you can find,
Labradors, retrievers
So gentle and refined.

Staffies in different colours
Some of them are crosses,
Collies black and white and brown
Herd others up. They’re bosses!

Doberman, there’s two I know
And they have kept their tail;
Kelpies. Smithfields, keeshonds,
Bernese, just one male!

Dachshunds, long and skinny
Short and long-haired too.
Two Japanes Spitz dogs,
And they are fairly new.

Beagles and boxers, vizslas,
Handsome-looking dogs,
Others wanting doggie treats,
Greedy little hogs!

Maltese and other puff-balls,
An Aerdale and a setter;
A pug, a couple corgis
And some whippets, even better!

The greyhounds have a story;
They are a lovely breed
And when no use for racing,
A loving home they need.

You know I’ve tried to mention
Each breed of doggy friend
And I can’t omit the bitsers,
The mixtures or the blend.

We’ve lost a lot of friends this year
My Minke, he was one;
And James the vet from Mayfair.
So much good work he’d done.

Thanks, Dogs’ Homes staff and carers,
We hope our cash will suit,
Improving life for doggies
With Christmas fun to boot!

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Greyhounds need couches.

Not tracks.

Sign the Parliament e-petition to END GREYHOUND RACING — backed by transition plans for the industry.

Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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