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Jencie Harrington recently joined the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania Board and we’re delighted to welcome her to the team.
With tertiary qualifications in Farm Management, Commerce (Finance and Accounting) and Law, Jencie has had a long career working as an Accountant and as a Lawyer in a range of areas including Project Accounting, Estate Planning and Commercial Law.
Jencie is proud dog mum to Caspar an Australian Shepherd and Bear a Smithfield , and loves to spend time with them training for dog sports including Herding, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Tracking and Scent Work.
She is also an instructor at the Hobart Canine Obedience Club, a board member of Womens Sport and Recreation Tasmania and treasure of Canine Performance Association of Tasmania.
Enter your details below to join our mailing list for the latest news, events, rescue stories plus helpful tips and ideas for dog lovers.
Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania have been here for dogs for over 70 years. We re-unite lost dogs with their families and find new homes for unwanted dogs. We are committed to zero euthanasia of healthy, temperamentally sound dogs.
Select which home you would like to visit, you will then be asked to book a time to visit.