Tough times ahead for us all
We find it necessary to address recent reports in the Mercury newspaper that have stirred some concern. Firstly, let us clarify that the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania is not on the verge of closure. While it’s true we’ve been running at an operational loss each year and we’re actively seeking additional funding to sustain our mission, we have no plans to close.
Secondly, we need to correct the false statement that we are in debt. We are not in debt. We have been operating at a significant financial lost for several years. But we do not have any debt.
Unfortunately, recent news articles have sensationalised and misrepresented our financial situation. Like many other Tasmanian not-for-profits, we are grappling with the challenges posed by the increased cost of living. However, we want to underscore that closure is not imminent. We remain dedicated to the care of Tasmania’s lost and abandoned dogs.
The reporter did a great job with the article and we thank them for that. The headlines have been created by another team and unfortunately are where we have been misrepresented.

That being said, our long-term future and sustainability are indeed constant challenges. We are reaching out to the public, asking for your support to ensure we can continue our operations well into the future. We rely on the generosity of the dog-loving community, and your support is crucial in helping us overcome these financial challenges.