Surrendering your dog – No Fee. No Judgement.

There are many reasons people need to rehome a dog. Sometimes financial hardship or housing difficulties force people to make the difficult choice surrender their pet.  Sometimes it may be an unexpected litter of puppies.  For others, behaviour issues make them wonder if they are the right home for a dog.

Whatever the reason, rehoming a dog will give them a second chance at life.  Never put your dog or puppies up on social media as ‘free to good home’.  This can put the dog at risk of abuse.

If you are thinking about surrendering your dog because of behavior / training issues consider contacting a trainer or give us a call for advice.  Many dogs surrendered as boisterous teenagers grow into wonderful adult dogs with the right training.

If you must surrender your dog, you can help them find the right home quickly by: 

  • Making sure their vaccinations are up to date and providing a copy of their medical history. 
  • Giving us as much information about them as possible.  We have a Tell us About Your Dog form on our website which you can fill in.  Once you complete the form call or make an appointment online.
  • Make sure you have time to go through the paperwork with staff.  They may ask more questions.  The more we know about your dog the better the chance of a successful match with a new home. 

If you’re thinking of surrendering a dog because of severe aggression, then be aware that we have a duty of care to the community not to rehome a dog that poses a danger.  We will never turn away a dog in need, but if you know that your dog cannot be safely handled or rehomed due to severe aggression then it is kinder to your dog if you to take them directly to your own vet to discuss their future.

Surrendering a dog is a painful experience and no one should criticise an individual for making the decision.

Be assured that your dog will be well cared for by our staff. There is no time limit on adoption in our homes, and every rehomable dog will be looked after for as long as it takes to find them the right home. Currently we are not charging a fee for surrenders, but we would ask for a donation to help with costs.

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Not tracks.

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Help stop the public funding of an industry linked to unacceptable death rates, injuries, and suffering.

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