
In the midst of so many serious announcements I am delighted launch our brand new website and congratulate everyone involved in its development.   In particular I would like to thank the long-time supporter whose substantial donation funded the re-development. We could not continue our work without donations, large and small, and I’m heartened by the way generous individuals step up to assist us in times of need.

In the past month we have been moving rapidly to ensure that we can keep caring for dogs and adopting dogs into new homes throughout the pandemic.  Our first priority, as always, has been to make sure that whatever happens, we will be able to care for the dogs.

Staff and selected volunteers have trained in additional roles, so that if we have significant levels of staff illness or enforced absence, every dog in our Homes will still have proper care and attention.

A call for Foster Carers so that we can reduce the number of dogs on site has brought an overwhelming response, with many dogs moving into care with people who are now working from home  – a benefit for the dogs, and for the new foster carers.

We’ve launched a brand new booking system – accessed via Facebook and this website – to enable people to view dogs waiting for adoption and request an appointment to meet them. This will save you time, and enable us to comply with current pandemic rules and guidelines.  

Anyone needing to bring a stray dog, reclaim a lost dog or surrender a dog to us for care will also be admitted by appointment. Within our Homes we have implemented strict cleaning regimes and are observing social distance requirements.

Our new website will also enable you to fill out forms online, and, for those who are able to help us, we’ve made it easier to donate.   Our online store will be relaunched shortly, with lots of goodies to spoil yourself or your four legged friend, or to buy as a gift.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and welcome to our new website.

Michael Sertori

CEO Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania

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